Thursday, April 8, 2010

I went back to work today and hit the jackpot...

Today was a beautiful April day.  A bit unseasonably warm but I'll take it.

It was my first official day back to work in the gardens.  I work at a beautiful property about 7 miles away from my house here in Cummington.  The woman has a nice sized perennial garden bed which was planted and cared for by her husband before he passed away 3 or 4 years ago.  She and her son love to enjoy the garden but do not like to work in it.  Lucky for me because they are wonderful people and it's nice to have a private client.  I spent the day raking up pine cones, branches and leaves fallen from winter storms and winds.  I got to wear a t-shirt that was rolled up to the shoulders and shorts and got some much needed sun on my skin.

My friend and her children who live up the road from the garden saw me out working and stopped by to invite me up to their place for lunch.  It was baking day at her house and she was making homemade pizza and bread in her outdoor, beehive style, cob, bread oven.  I couldn't turn down their invitation!  Not only did I have tasty homemade pizza for lunch, but I got to hang out with her four young sons who are so much fun to talk to and play with.  My friend unexpectedly sent me home with a fresh loaf of bread as well.  She is very generous.

As I happily drove home from a full day in the sun I saw 3 black, furry masses on the edge of a pasture next to the tree line.  I stopped the car and was so excited to see three bears:  2 youngsters with their mama.  What a cool sighting!  I reached for my camera and managed to get a couple shots.  Unfortunately, I was too far away to get a really close, clear photo.  Here's the evidence.

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